
VIZIO Ads Home Screen Promotions Doubles Tune-In Rates by Exposed Audiences For Popular TV Series

VIZIO Ads Home Screen Promotions Doubles Tune-In Rates by Exposed Audiences For Popular TV Series





Viewers looking for new shows to watch don’t flip channels anymore and rarely browse through guides or menus. Today, they’re getting curated, personalized recommendations from the first thing they see when they power up their VIZIO televisions — The VIZIO Home Screen. 


So what better place to promote the premier of a new show or series than this most valuable piece of real estate? 


We recently analyzed how one broadcaster leveraged the VIZIO Home Screen to do exactly that, and found that audiences exposed to the Home Screen promotions tuned in more than twice that of those who weren’t exposed to the promotions (lift in tune-in from control to exposed audience was 119%). 


The broadcaster took advantage of several ways VIZIO offers to promote content across the Home Screen, including Discover banner rotational placement, a Hero banner rotational placement, and a complete Hero Takeover promotion. 


We also helped reach specific audiences, ranging from the very broad (all broadcast TV

viewers), to narrow (Action/Drama viewers), to very specific (previous viewers of the TV series).


For more data and details on exactly how these tactics and targeting paid off for this broadcaster, download the complete case study report using the form below. 


This case study and its results are not guarantees of the future performance of VIZIO Ads and are subject to factors which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ from expectations.