Limitless Leaders

VIZIO Interviews

Adam Bergman

Group VP of Advertising and Data Sales



"To the marketer, Limitless means entering a world of scale and of data-driven decision-making that you've never seen before. You've never been this empowered as a brand marketer to take the tool sets of digital and bring them to television."


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Lucy Sutphin

Product Marketing Director



"At VIZIO, we have the kind of people who want to explore what's new and are willing to put in the time and investment to do so. I think that's what keeps us right at the forefront of this industry, and what's helped us continue to expand and become a real player in both a consumer-led product and also in an ad platform."


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Devin Fallon

Head of Media Insights



"What always gets the best reaction is when we get into the dichotomy of the audience that a brand is reaching on linear TV, and who we can reach on our platform and how we can reach them. It's always this big a-ha moment."


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Katlyn Wilson

Director of Branded Content and Sponsorships



"VIZIO Branded Content Studio is an opportunity for brands to become the entertainment, rather than the interruption."


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Travis Hockersmith

Group VP of Platform+



"We've got a mantra and ethos internally that we call WCCS — World Class Customer Service — and the entire team is built around that ethos."


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Allison Clarke

Head of General Market National Advertising Sales



"Customers love our Home Screen because ... that experience and what it means for an advertiser that's trying to reach an audience in that moment, is pretty compelling."


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Rob Leon

Associate Director, Media Insights and Analytics



"We have a whole lot of data, both from our ad server and our ACR data source (that) can show you how many unreached customers there are that aren't already being reached by your existing buy, but are still part of your potential customer footprint." 



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Christina Ruiz

VP of Product Marketing and Communications



"People are excited about the VIZIO Home Screen because of the front-and-center experience of it. It's a very large format hero unit to get their brand across and to catch the consumer's eye."



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Greg Oxenberg

Associate Director, Data Innovation & Strategic Initiatives



"They call it the A-Team because we are sort of a band of data superheroes that can jump in and solve business problems."



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VIZIO Wins Emmy® for Smart TV OS Innovation

For the second time in as many years, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has honored VIZIO with an Emmy® Award for Technology and Engineering.


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Commercials + Content-1

Streaming Viewing Outpaces Cable/Satellite

Newly released data from Inscape shows that for the first time, streaming’s share of overall U.S. TV viewing increased to 53.8%, while the combined share of cable and satellite dropped. 


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Collected in Real Time

What Streaming Environments Capture The Most Attention?

We partnered with a leading attention metrics provider to help advertisers understand where they can expect to capture viewer attention. 


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Watching Sports

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